Hello Alderwood! Sabbatical. That is what our last three months have consisted of. Rick and I have been on Cru staff 41 & 43 years respectively. Long term staff like ourselves are now awarded a 3-month sabbatical every five years. We’ve never taken that length of time before and we felt it was high time that we did. Sabbatical is …
Jon & Amie Cross
Jon, Amie, Providence, Rosemary, William, Daniel & Eleanor Cross serve in Africa with SIM. Long lost updates on our end. Thank you to the many that reached out to check in on us and continued in faithful prayer even though we were a bit silent. In many ways it is hard to fill you in on all God has been …
Cory & Kristine Cramer
Cory & Kristine Cramer THRIVE International Missions A BIG THANK YOU AS WE CELEBRATE 10 YEARS IN ALBANIA! Sometimes, we have heard that so many times we forget to celebrate what it means. It means God never ever stops keeping all of His promises. God never ever stops hearing our prayers. God never ever stops working through His Word, Spirit and church. Even …
Shannon Sessions
Shannon Sessions Support 7 Executive Director Support 7 responds to emergency calls for service 24/7/365. Each contain their own needs and complexities. Here is an example of one recent 24-hour shift: The first call was at a Lynnwood Adult Family Home after one of their housemates, a 95-year-old woman, took her last breath and died peacefully in her bed. We …
Sam and Jenny Hanson
Sam & Jenny Hanson ACI International Dear ACC Family, We are excited about how God is transforming lives through the ministry at the rehab center. Luis, in his mid-twenties, is getting close to completing his time there (9-12 months is recommended). His mom died when he was a baby, his dad died several years later. He grew up on his …
Jeff & Sheny Walker
Jeff & Sheny Walker Fellowship International Mission Aguascalientes, Mexico Dear Alderwood Family, For about seven years we have been doing a kids club ministry several times a week besides our church planting ministry and camp ministry. At the end of March we had our spring camp at our facility on the edge of town where we live. The camp was …
Kevin & Alina Beach
Kevin & Alina Beach Fellowship International Mission Ministerio de Vida Nueva, Valle Dorado, Mexico Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Happy Cinco de Mayo! It was wonderful to see many of you this weekend at the Go Global missions event! What is a joy! 12 years ago a young man named Hugo started coming to our church, Ministerio de Vida …
Bruce & Carol Ingram
Bruce & Carol Ingram ACTION International We thank the Lord for ACC and your partnership with us in Christ’s work worldwide! We recently received some shocking news from Christopher Kapito, our ministry leader in Malawi. He shared that Pastor Soul, who has been our translator, had been taking money for himself that was for work. When Christopher confronted him about …
Wilson & Cora Ladringan
Wilson & Cora Ladringan Dear ACC Family, Shalom! By the grace and mercy of our Savior, we are doing well. Thank you for your faithful prayers for us and the Lord’s work here in the Philippines. As we shared the love of Christ and His finished work at Calvary to the tribal Aetas, many of them came to know the …
Sara Graves
Lord, You’re so good!! I praise You for the privilege of still being able to host Your missionary servants! Our International Member Care Directors are coming for ACTION’s April Orientation week. Thank You, Lord of the Harvest, for the group of five candidates scheduled to attend! This month, I am also hosting my dear Filipino missionary friend, “R”, for two …