Sara Graves

Reine HuberMissionary Updates

Lord, You’re so good!! I praise You for the privilege of still being able to host Your missionary servants! Our International Member Care Directors are coming for ACTION’s April Orientation week. Thank You, Lord of the Harvest, for the group of five candidates scheduled to attend!

This month, I am also hosting my dear Filipino missionary friend, “R”, for two weeks. She returned to California three weeks ago from her two-month on-site ministry trip in the Philippines. “R” headquarters with me when she comes to minister to Filipinos and report to her supporting church in North Bend.

May I share with you a bit more about this incredible little 70+ year old missionary with International Children’s Ministry?

From the time of “R”’s new birth in Christ at 14, being a devoted evangelist came naturally. She still shares Christ everywhere she is!!

During her years studying at the University of the Philippines, “R” was trained by and worked with Campus Crusade for Christ. Upon graduation she became aware of the need for a social worker at the fast-growing Christ for Greater Manila (CGM) organization directed by Doug Nichols, and felt God leading her to join. In 1980, “R” was sent to Thailand as a social worker with the Hmong Laotian refugees, setting up a feeding and sponsorship program for over 200 refugee children. There she met her husband who was on assignment as a Photojournalist from Seattle’s CRISTA. More than a year later, they were married in Chiang Mai, Thailand and then came to live in North Bend, WA. “R”‘s husband was promoted to glory when their little daughter was three.

A few years after his death, “R” (and her daughter) moved to California where she worked at the US Center for World Missions. “R”’s love for children continued to grow. She and her nine-year-old daughter began traveling (and continued for the next 11 years) to minister to children in Eastern Europe including an oncological hospital in Moldova for children.

In mid 80’s, “R”’s sister and brother-in-law (a pastor) started a church plant in a very poor area near their family home in an unreached mountain region. When the Pastor passed away a few years ago, “R” then devoted her time in helping her sister keep the work going, especially with the children. “R” travels back to minister two to three times per year, but while in the US, she teaches and micromanages from her cell phone!! Via Google Meet, she teaches Bible classes for children and discipleship for adults four times a week during our nighttime, since they are 15 hours ahead!

THANK YOU Alderwood family for supporting me, which then extends to others such as “R”, who also deserve our prayers!






Good friends for many years, missionary “R” and Sara Graves

For years “R” and her sisters have been reaching out with on-going evangelism/relief to the poor in their area and beyond

Meeting with a discipleship group at a church home in the Philippines

Filipino children receive a can of cookies, Gospel shirts for evangelism (gold, black, red, white, green)