Kevin & Alina Beach

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Kevin & Alina Beach
Fellowship International Mission

Ministerio de Vida Nueva, Valle Dorado, Mexico

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

It was wonderful to see many of you this weekend at the Go Global missions event! What is a joy!

12 years ago a young man named Hugo started coming to our church, Ministerio de Vida Nueva, with his wife. But Hugo would always come with a hangover after a night of drinking. As he began to hear and listen, God through His Word and by the Holy Spirit began to work on Hugo’s heart and mind.

Romans 10:17 says: Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

Hugo came to saving faith 11 years ago through the discipleship course we use. He grew in his faith and in 2018 he became an Elder in the church! Then through Kevin’s teaching and training, Hugo began preaching and teaching. He in turn taught another couple using the same discipleship course we offer and they got saved too! Now Hugo is teaching and training this new couple how to share their faith and use the teaching and gospel message with others. (We began paying Hugo part time so he could invest more time in ministry responsibilities.)

What a tremendous joy it is for us to see God working to save and transform people into His image so that they may teach others as well. This is the pattern of Jesus’ mandate in Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Thank you for your prayers and financial gifts you send our way! Come down and visit us sometime!

Your missionaries to Mexico,

Kevin & Alina



Hugo and family: daughter Victoria, son Caleb and his wife Vicky.

Hugo with baby Perla, Diana, Abraham and Abraham’s mom Lupita (a family that Hugo is discipling).

Hugo, Abraham, Laila, Kevin (not Beach!) and Diana. Abraham & Diana are the couple mentioned in the update above.

Kevin, Abraham, Diana, Hugo and Abraham’s mom, Lupita on Easter Sunday – Hugo baptized them!

Hugo preaching!