King David: The Great King Who Was Greatly Flawed

Big Idea: David is the best king Israel can hope for, but he still fails to resist the allure of sin.

            1 Samuel 16:7

David succeeds when he makes everything about God.

            1 Samuel 16:10-11

            1 Samuel 17:45-47

            1 Samuel 26:9-11a

David fails when everything becomes about him.

            2 Samuel 11:2-4

            Genesis 3:6

            2 Samuel 11:4—17 and 26-27

God brings unexpected good out of even our biggest failures.

Comments 1

  1. Natalie Foskey sent me one of the sermons a few weeks ago to listen to. I was very impressed by the sermon and decided to listen to another which I did. My soul feels fed and I rejoice in my Lord! My husband, who is not well at the moment has not heard the sermons yet. But I am sure he will be delighted as I am to hear them! Thank you, Linda Macrae

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