Clothing Ourselves with Godliness

December 27, 2020

Big Idea: We have everything we need to live a godly life. (2 Peter 1:3)

1. We are _____________
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people…” (v. 12).

2. We are _________
“Therefore, as God’s (holy) people…” (v. 12).

3. We are ___________
“Therefore, as God’s (dearly loved) people…” (v.12).

God calls, equips, and sustains us to live lives of…
1. Compassion (The eyes of Jesus)
2. Kindness (The disposition of Jesus)
3. Humility (The perspective of Jesus)
4. Gentleness (The approach of Jesus)
5. Patience (The composure of Jesus)
6. Forgiveness (The heart of Jesus)
7. Love (The motivation of Jesus)
8. Peace (The posture of Jesus)
9. Truth (The message of Jesus)
10. Thankfulness (The memory of Jesus)