Going With the Spirit

Big Idea: When we go, we partner with the Holy Spirit in what he is already doing.

            Acts 8:26

Going with the Spirit: 

  1. Pray. Acts 1:14a, 2:42, 6:4, 8:27-28

  2. Listen. Acts 8:29-34

  3. Speak. Acts 8:35; 1 Peter 3:15; Matthew 10:19-20

  4. Invite. Acts 8:36, 38-39


Message Questions

We are continuing our study in the book of Acts, which is the story of the Holy Spirit igniting the Jesus movement through faithful obedience of a few humble people. We continue that same story today, and the Holy Spirit will use the teachings of Acts to inspire you to do the same thing the earliest followers of Jesus did when they first understood the magnitude of what God has done through Christ: to GO. This Sunday, the big idea is: When we go, we partner with the Holy Spirit in what he is already doing. Our passage is Acts 8:26-40

Use these questions to discuss the message from Sunday, focusing on how you can grow as an everyday follower of Jesus and how you can go accomplish what Jesus calls you to do.

  1. Read Acts 8:26-28. Where was the eunuch going and where was he sitting? Then have someone read Acts 1:14, Acts 2:42, and Acts 6:4. What do the disciples start with before going to where God is calling them? Who are you praying for that isn’t following Jesus? What rhythms of listening to Jesus do you have in your life?

  2. Have someone read Acts 8:29-34. How did Philip respond to the Spirit? What is the question the eunuch has for Philip? What important step did Philip take when engaging with the eunuch? Is it easy for you to listen to the people in your life who don’t know Jesus? Why or why not?

  3. Have someone read Acts 8:35. What did Philip tell the eunuch? Have someone read Matthew 10:19-20. What is the Spirit’s role when it comes to sharing the good news of Jesus with the relationships around you? What pressures hold you back from speaking the good news to the relationships where Jesus has called you to go?

  4. Have someone read Acts 8:36-39. What is the eunuch’s response after hearing the good news of Jesus? How did Philip respond to the eunuch’s request for baptism?

  5. When we go, we partner with the Holy Spirit in what he is already doing. Pastor Wyatt encouraged us to Pray, Listen, Speak, and Invite the relationships God is calling us go towards. Spend some time sharing with your group where you are with the relationships to which Jesus is calling you to go.

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