
Sharing practical and spiritual resources as we seek to connect with our neighbors and one another, in gospel-centered relationships.

Would you like to give financially to the Compassion Center?

Funds help stock our shelves

now accepting donations

Donation Times and Locations:

Tuesdays from 9am-12pm

19400 33rd Ave. W, Lynnwood, WA 98036

Sundays in the bins during our weekend services

3403 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Lynnwood WA 98036



For current food program recipients, please click the button to place your order. You will be asked to enter your food program username and password. 

If you are not currently enrolled in our food program, you will not be able to access the online ordering system. For enrollment into the food program, please email: to set up an intake interview. (Interview subject to program capacity.)


join us!

Do you want to work with people passionate about serving others? There are so many ways to get involved with the Compassion Center, either behind the scenes or face-to-face with our Neighbors. We have fun, we work hard, and we see many experience Jesus week after week through compassion.

Get involved

the vision for compassion

Reaching our Community Through the Compassion of Christ

Jesus said, “my food is to do the will of him who sent me.” He said this to his disciples after sharing the gospel with the Samaritan woman at the well in the village of Sychar. Jesus understood that there is something nourishing to our souls and life-giving to our spirits when we make those personal connections with people to convey the love of Christ. The U.S. Dept. of Labor estimated that in the United States, 7.6 million working poor individuals in the labor force still fell below the poverty level. The goal of the Alderwood Compassion Center is to offer food and assistance to those working poor individuals and families throughout Edmonds, Lynnwood, and South Everett. Our hope is that we would provide the tools those individuals need to improve their lives. But the real impact is relationships that are established where you and I can communicate the hope we have through Christ.
What can you do?

Will you pray? Pray that we would grow in:

  • Unity around our mission to spread the gospel.
  • Awareness of the needs in our community.
  • Compassion to meet those needs.
  • Generosity to invest in the Compassion Center.

Support the Compassion Center


Learn more about our building campagin

Legacy of Compassion


Learn the history of how we acquired this building.

Legacy of compassion