Cory & Kristine Cramer

Reine HuberMissionary Updates

Cory & Kristine Cramer
THRIVE International Missions

Sometimes, we have heard that so many times we forget to celebrate what it means.  It means God never ever stops keeping all of His promises.  God never ever stops hearing our prayers. God never ever stops working through His Word, Spirit and church.  Even when we are lost and see no hope, God never ever stops being faithful. God is ALWAYS faithful!

Looking back over the last 10 YEARS, we have witnessed God, who can do all things, “do far more abundantly than all we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).”

We would never have imagined that 10 YEARS LATER, I would be pastoring a multigenerational Albanian church. In the early days we were certain that we would never speak Albanian (fluently), and yet, by God’s grace, we are living our life in Albanian every day, deeply connected to the people and the culture.

In these last 10 YEARS, we have seen Albanians repent and believe in Christ.  We know Albanians who love God’s Word.  We witness as Albanians pray and worship together.  We see members of our church sharing Christ and inviting their family members and friends.  And now … we presently and continually pray that God would grant and sustain in us, great faith10 YEARS is just over 3,650 days, and there have been many of those days when we have had weak faith.  God’s word reminds us that when we are faithless, HE remains faithful (2 Timothy 2:13).

The Church which stands today in the city of Pogradec, Albania is the result of so many laborers who have come to work and labor in this untouched soil.  Hundreds and hundreds of you have traveled here to evangelize and strengthen the church.  It is also the result of all of you who support financially and pray for this ministry here.

When we arrived in Pogradec, there were a few boys trying to figure out what a Christian was.  Today I am teaching a church membership class on Baptism.  Do you see what a leap that is?  It is a ten year labor which all of you have participated in.  We thank God for you, your heart for missions and your heart for Albania.

The Hotel and Café which is located on our church property was recently transfered over to our Organization (Thrive), which is a huge praise and answer to prayer!  Receiving this business and being able to manage it gives us the ability to support the church financially here.  But it needs a lot of work.  During the month of April and May the business was closed.  Re-modeled, re-trained, re-staffed, re-branded and re-opened.  Here are some pictures of Seven Hotel and Café.

This “reopening” has been funded by THRIVE and we are thankful for the available funds to make this happen.  At the same time, we are preparing for our summer ministries which are quickly approaching.  Interns will soon be arriving, and our youth and family camps will be launching soon as well.

When we think of you all, this verse in Philippians always comes to mind, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now” (Philippians 1:3).

We are truly blessed by and thankful for your partnership, from the first day 10 years ago, till now.

In the name of our Savior,

Cory, Kristine, Shiloh, Taliah, Jude, Finn, and Liv