So Much More

October 22, 2023

Big Idea: Anxiety is the thief of generosity.


The presence of anxiety over money

            Luke 12:22-23

  • Anxiety is the thief of generosity.


The power of anxiety over money

  • Your worth is more than money.
                Luke 12:24
  • Your time is more than money.
                Luke 12:25-26
  • Your security is more than money.
                Luke 12:27-28
  • Your work is more than money.
                Luke 12:29-30


The cure for anxiety about money




Why is it that when people encountered Jesus and decided to follow him, they immediately became wildly generous—to the point of selling all their possessions and sharing with anyone who had need? In short, it’s because Jesus is a wildly generous Savior, and when he gets ahold of your heart, you can’t help but be wildly generous in return. If Jesus wasn’t selfish even with his own life, how can any of his followers justify being selfish with their possessions? In this series we’re looking at three of Jesus’ parables where he taught us to be generous and ask how we can follow him together in putting his generosity on display through the way we live our everyday lives. This Sunday, the big idea is: Anxiety is the thief of generosity. Our passage is Luke 12:22-34.

Use these questions to discuss the message from Sunday, focusing on how you can grow as an everyday follower of Jesus and how you can go accomplish what Jesus calls you to do.

  1.  Look for all the uses (and implied uses) of the word “more” in this text. Why do you think Jesus repeats and emphasizes this idea?
  2. This passage is full of “quotable quotes” from Jesus. Identify several. Which one is most meaningful to you and your life right now? Why?
  3. Read verse 33. What is your immediate gut level response to Jesus’ words to “sell your possessions and give to the poor”? (Are you comfortable/uncomfortable? Is it practical/complicated?)
  4. Read verses 31-34. All of Jesus’ words here are addressed to a plural “you”. How can you connect in community with other followers of Christ to do what Jesus is calling us to?
  5. How do you need to grow as a result of this passage in the area of generosity? Why is that true and what will you do about it?

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