Waiting Well
Big Idea: The Spirit uses waiting to work IN us so that he can work THROUGH us.
Waiting creates time for REFLECTION.
Waiting creates time for HEALING.
Waiting creates time for HUMILITY.
We are kicking off our year in the book of Acts together. The book of Acts is the story of the Holy Spirit igniting the Jesus movement through the faithful obedience of a few humble people. We continue that same story today, and the Holy Spirit will use the teachings of Acts to inspire you to do the same thing the earliest followers of Jesus did when they first understood the magnitude of what God has done through Christ: to GO. This Sunday, the big idea is: The Spirit uses waiting to work IN us so that he can work THROUGH us. Our passage is Acts 1:12-26.
Use these questions to discuss the message from Sunday, focusing on how you can grow as an everyday follower of Jesus and how you can go accomplish what Jesus calls you to do.
Read Acts 1:12-14. How many actions do you see in this text? What locations do you see in this text? Pastor Steve talked about the importance of the Sabbath journey and the Upper Room as symbols of waiting for God. Is waiting easy or difficult for you?
Have someone read Acts 1:15-20. What do you notice about the disciples' grief and healing in this text? Reread vs. 17. Where have you had to face your past and how has it caused you to grow in your love of Jesus?
Have someone read 1 Peter 5:6-7. What can we learn about God in this passage? What is our role when it comes to humility?
Waiting creates time for reflection, healing, and humility. How have you seen these three things cause you to grow in your relationship with Jesus?
The Spirit uses waiting to work in us so that he can work through us. Waiting can be challenging. What areas in your life do you want to see God move, but you are currently in a state of waiting? Spend time praying for the places God is calling you to go.