Bragging on God

Big Idea: The Gospel is good news that motivates us to brag about what God has done for us.

1. The Peace we have with God (5:1-2, 9-11)

.....A. We are invited into God’s gracious presence. (vs.1-2a)

.....B. We are saved from God’s wrath. (vs.9)

.....C. We have been reconciled with God. (vs.10-11)

2. The Hope we have in God (5:2b-4)

.....A. We have hope to share in the glory of God in the future. (Heaven) (5:2b)

.....B. We have hope during our sufferings in this life. (5:3-4)

3. The Love we receive from God (5:5-8)

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God.” 1 John 3:1

.....A. God has given us His Holy Spirit. (5:5)

.....B. God sent His Son to die on our behalf. (5:6-8)