Together in God’s Faithfulness

There is nothing like the local church when it’s working right!
Its beauty is indescribable…
Its power is breathtaking…
Its potential is unlimited…

“God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.”
1 Corinthians 1:9

1. Remembering God’s Faithfulness
----A. God sovereignly placed and established this church in this location.
----B. God has grown this church.
--------(1) The Lord added to the church.
--------(2) History of the buildings (because of this growth).
--------(3) History of God’s financial faithfulness.
----C. God has forever changed the lives of many people through this church.
--------(1) God has used the faithful pastors of the church.
--------(2) God has used the faithful people of the church.
-------------(a) People have been warmly welcomed and accepted into this church.
-------------(b) God has saved people using the faithful people of Alderwood.
-------------(c) God has sent the people of Alderwood around the world.
-------------(d) God has used this church to plant other churches.

2. Responding to God’s Faithfulness
----A. Give God thanks for what He has done in our church.
----B. Consider the significance of the responsibility that has been passed on to us.
----C. Engage in the mission of the church to reach this generation and the next generation for Jesus!

Our mission is to live and lead others to live as everyday followers of Jesus!