The Church Is Born

Big Idea: The Holy Spirit creates a family of transformed people. 

            Acts 2:14-15

            Matthew 16:22

            Matthew 26:33

            John 18:10

Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophets’ promises.

            Acts 2:17

Jesus is the ultimate victory over sin and death.

            Acts 2:26-27

Jesus is the king that David longed for.

            Acts 2:34-35


The Holy Spirit creates a family of transformed people.


Peter’s transformation:

  • Brashness is becoming boldness

  • Passion is becoming purpose

  • Ambition is becoming admiration

  • The Spirit’s transformation is often a refining more than a rewiring

            Acts 2:44-45


Message Questions

We are continuing our study in the book of Acts, which is the story of the Holy Spirit igniting the Jesus movement through faithful obedience of a few humble people. We continue that same story today, and the Holy Spirit will use the teachings of Acts to inspire you to do the same thing the earliest followers of Jesus did when they first understood the magnitude of what God has done through Christ: to GO. This Sunday, the big idea is: The Spirit creates a family of transformed people. Our passage is Acts 2:14-47.

Use these questions to discuss the message from Sunday, focusing on how you can grow as an everyday follower of Jesus and how you can go accomplish what Jesus calls you to do.

  1.  Read Acts 2:14-17. What is the summary of Peter’s proclamation in these three verses?

  2. Have someone read Acts 2:26-27. What does the flesh do and how does it “rest in hope”? Now read Acts 2:34-35. What do you notice about the role of the Holy Spirit in these two sections of scripture? 

  3. Have someone read Acts 2:44-45. Who were the believers with, and what was their response after receiving the Holy Spirit? 

  4. Pastor Wyatt talked about Peter’s transformation. Peter’s brashness is becoming boldness; his passion is becoming purpose; and his ambition is becoming admiration. How can you grow in these areas? Which one stands out to you that needs the most growth in your life? 

  5. The Holy Spirit creates a family of transformed people. How can the relationships God has placed around you see your transformation? How does knowing the Holy Spirit is in charge give you confidence to go to the places God is calling you to go. Time for another “Go All In” checkup—does anyone have any updates on their commitments to Go All In this year? Spend a few minutes praying for these updates.

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