How to Worship With Your Finances
Big Idea: Our generosity is a response to God’s generosity towards us.
Matthew 6:21
Luke 19:1-10
Why do we give?
We give because God needs our money.
Acts 17:24-25
How to worship God with your finances:
- Praise God for his generosity to you.
1 Chronicles 29:14 - Trust God to provide for your needs.
Malachi 3:10 - Listen for the Spirit’s invitations to give.
2 Corinthians 9:7 - Do what he says.
1 John 5:3
Matthew 6:21
Message Questions
No one likes to talk about money in church. Except for Jesus, that is. He liked to talk about money quite a bit. And it’s because he knows something—how we think about our money and what we choose to do with it will have a massive impact on our spiritual well-being. In Jesus’ words, “Where your money is, your heart is also.” So, if Jesus thinks money is important, maybe we should too. In this series, we’ll see the way that Jesus is inviting us to more life, more goodness, and more abundance as we have open hands with what he has given us. Because Jesus shows us that the only way money can make you happy is by Giving It Away.
Use these questions to discuss the message from Sunday, focusing on how you can grow as an everyday follower of Jesus and how you can go accomplish what Jesus calls you to do.
- Read Matthew 6:21. Jesus connects our treasure to our heart. What do you think this means in practical terms? How do our spending and giving habits reveal what we truly value?
- Read Luke 19:1-7. Zacchaeus, a wealthy man, eagerly sought out Jesus and welcomed him joyfully. What does Zacchaeus’ response teach us about prioritizing Jesus over worldly wealth? How can we cultivate a similar eagerness to draw near to Jesus?
- Read 1 Chronicles 29:14 and Acts 17:24-25. Everything we have comes from God, and he doesn’t need anything from us. How does recognizing God’s generosity and ownership change the way you approach giving?
- Malachi 3:10 and 2 Corinthians 9:7 encourage trusting God and giving cheerfully. How can you grow in trusting God to provide for your needs while being open to the Spirit’s invitations to give? What steps can you take to worship God more fully with your finances?
- Luke 19:8-10 shows Zacchaeus responding to Jesus with radical generosity. Who in your life might be impacted by seeing how you prioritize Jesus through your financial stewardship? How can you go and share the joy of generosity and the hope found in Christ this week?