Welcome to Alderwood

We are glad you're here!

what you can expect

Join us at 8:00 (Classic Service), 9:30, or 11am (Modern Service) on a Sunday morning. Together, we will worship God through song and grow through the teaching of God's word. Our Spanish Speaking Congregation meets at 11am in the Compassion Center building.

watch a sunday


Servicio DOMINGO

En Alderwood Español, somos seguidores de Cristo, teniendo la misión de glorificar a Dios y extender Su reino viviendo y predicando Su palabra. DOMINGO • 11:00 AM • CC202 

alderwood español

for your family


Alderwood Kids

ACC Kids meet during the 9:30 and 11am services.

learn more

aLderwood student ministries

Our student ministries meet at the 11am service.

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Where to Find Us

Contact Information


ServIce Times And Location

Sundays @ 8:00 (Classic Service), 9:30 and 11:00am (Modern Services)
3403 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Lynnwood

Alderwood Español se reúne a las 11:00am en el salón CC202 del edificio Compassion Center ubicado en
19400 33rd Ave. West, Lynnwood