2020 Business Meeting

Following Jesus Together

results of the 2020 business meeting

For the Budget and Elders

When you see how the Lord has blessed His church at Alderwood with financial abundance, and when you review the very conservative budget proposal for the coming year, I hope you’ll feel as encouraged as I do.

Then as you consider the slate of Elders for the year ahead, you’ll note that we are bidding farewell to Ben Potter, Brian Shull and Ken Powell as they rotate off the Board, and are welcoming three new Elders – Jason Carter, Charlie LaNasa, and James Rose – joining seven nominated returnees. We should all be extremely grateful to Ben, Brian and Ken for their hard work and diligent service, and thankful that the Lord has once again prompted a group of qualified individuals to step up and show their humble willingness to serve ACC.

new elders

Get to know their stories

James Rose

jason Carter

charlie lanasa

See the full list of elders
