are you ready to get baptized?

At Alderwood, we follow Jesus together and one of the best ways to do this is by following Jesus through baptism. In water baptism, the believer is briefly submerged under water and then raised as a public declaration – an outward act on an inward change. It is a way of publicly declaring that you are a follower of Jesus. While we do not believe baptism saves a person, we do believe it is an important step in the life of a Jesus follower as it was modeled for us, then commanded to us, by Jesus.

The only requirement for baptism is a confession of faith in Christ. Baptism without an authentic confession of faith is nothing more than a short bath. However, baptism combined with a real confession of faith creates an unparalleled moment in time when your relationship to God is confirmed before witnesses.

Sign up for our next baptism class where we share what it means to follow Jesus in Baptism and get you signed up for an upcoming baptism service.

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