I Am the Gate and the Good Shepherd

May 14, 2023

Big Idea: Jesus is the shepherd who keeps you safe so that you can truly live.

John 20:31

John 17:3, 19-21

John 10:1





We continue in our 7-week series in the “I Am” statements of Jesus. This week is “I Am the Gate and the Good Shepherd.” Jesus reveals himself to us through seven “I Am” statements in the book of John. This Sunday, the big idea is, Jesus is the shepherd who keeps you safe so that you can truly live. Our passage is John 10:1-21.

Use these questions to discuss the message from Sunday, focusing on how you can grow as an everyday follower of Jesus and how you can go accomplish what Jesus calls you to do.

  1. Have someone read John 10:1-2. What differences do you notice between the shepherd and the thief’s actions? Pastor Steve said that Jesus is the voice and leader we need. Who or what is influencing and leading you?

  2. Read John 10:3-4. What behaviors do you observe in the shepherd? How do you see the sheep respond? How have you seen Jesus be a good shepherd in your past?

  3. Have someone read John 10:9-14. Pastor Steve talked about Jesus as the deliverer and the ultimate place of safety. What does safety mean for a follower of Jesus who lives for others?

  4. How can you grow in your listening to Jesus? How has being with Jesus helped you grow in your relationship with him?

  5. Jesus is the shepherd who keeps you safe so that you can truly live. What are some sacrificial ways you can go and do what Jesus is calling you to do?

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