
Big Idea: Jesus’ arrival brings us joy.


            Luke 2:10


The myth: Joy is our response to positive circumstances.


The truth: Joy is our response to the goodness of God.


            Psalm 100:2


For the Lord is good, and his faithful love endures forever.


            Psalm 65:12-13


            Psalm 4:7


            Acts 2:46-47a


            Proverbs 23:24-25


Joy is our response to the goodness of God.


Your joy is more dependent on your perspective than your circumstances.


            James 1:2


            1 Thessalonians 1:6


            Philippians 4:4


Can you choose joy?


You can’t choose how you feel, but you can choose where you look.


Joy comes from looking up, not within.


            Psalm 121:1-2


            Ecclesiastes 2:11


Joy comes from looking backwards and forwards, but not by looking around.


            Isaiah 51:11-12


            Revelation 21:4-5a


            Hebrews 12:2b


            Psalm 73:13-14, 21-22


Where can you see God’s goodness right now?


Message Questions

In the month of December, we’ll be on an Advent journey together as we remember four things that Jesus’ arrival at Christmas brought us: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. In the midst of the busy Christmas season, Advent invites us to slow down and reflect on the enduring promise of “God with us” each day. This week marks the third week of our Advent series. Pastor Wyatt walks us through the joy made available to us in Jesus this Christmas. Let’s jump in!

Use these questions to discuss the message from Sunday, focusing on how you can grow as an everyday follower of Jesus and how you can go accomplish what Jesus calls you to do.

  1. Have someone read Luke 2:10 and Psalm 4:7. The Bible describes joy as our response to the goodness of God rather than our circumstances. How does this understanding of joy challenge or encourage you in your current season of life?
  2. Have someone read James 1:2-4. Joy in trials seems counterintuitive, yet it produces perseverance and maturity. Can you share a time when you found joy in the midst of difficulty? How did that experience shape your faith?
  3. Have someone read Psalm 121:1-2 and 1 Peter 1:8-9. Joy comes from looking up to God, not within ourselves or around us. How does focusing on God’s goodness and promises help you experience joy, even when life feels overwhelming?
  4. Philippians 4:4 says to rejoice in the Lord always. What practical steps can you take this week to grow in choosing joy by looking to God’s goodness instead of your circumstances? How can your group encourage you in this?
  5. Isaiah 51:11 speaks of everlasting joy for the redeemed. Who in your life needs to hear about the joy found in Jesus? How can you go and share this message of hope and joy with them this week?

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