One Village Transformed

Lolkuniani, Kenya
A village on the outskirts of northern Kenya in desperate need of clean water, food, education, and most of all...the Gospel!
Your gifts will help provide immediate assistance like deworming pills and safe drinking water. As you walk alongside the families in this community, your support will equip them with the ability to produce more than enough food through livestock training and savings groups. You’ll also provide a sustainable source of clean water and safe hygiene practices to keep them healthy.
With all of this, we’ll engage the local church and provide spiritual support – like Bibles, pastor training and more importantly, a growing knowledge of God’s love for each person in Lolkuniani.

Your monthly gift will help provide:
- Sustainable sources of nutritious food
- Access to clean, safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene training
- Opportunities for spiritual growth
- Income opportunities for parents so they can provide for their children